Mrs. Burrell's Eleventh Grade World Literature Class

Parent and Student Resources

Personal Biography
Class Content
Parent and Student Resources

Here's a few sites that might help you study.

Remember some resources may change with the units and time periods we study. If anyone finds any new websites that might be useful please email them to me, and with my approval they may be posted and you will receive 2 extra credit points!

I strongly encourage all of you to do further research and tell me what you find out!



Cliffs notes is an excellent resource especially for older literature. You are more than welcome to use it to help you understand the plays, fables, poems we will be studying.

How To Analyze Literature

This site is a good source for parents and students that do not understand literature. It's a how to guide for understanding literature.

Poets and Poems Resource

This a great website to see poems by William Shakespeare and more! You may use this site for other units besides Shakespeare, however it will be referenced most in the Shakespeare unit.

Another site to help you find pieces of literature. This site is better for further researching subjects, and also good for extra credit assignments (hint hint!).

If you have any questions you may email me at:

EME 2040 P10 Burrell Yellow