Mrs. Burrell's Eleventh Grade World Literature Class

Personal Biography

Personal Biography
Class Content
Parent and Student Resources

Hi, I'm Mrs. Burrell

I was born and raised in St. Petersburg Florida, I
graduated from St. Petersburg College with a Baccalaureate degree in Technology Education Education and a minor from USF in English education.
I've been teaching at Ledger Field High School since August 2005, and have made this my career home!

I'm very excited to be teaching at this wonderful school of technology, and hope all of you enjoy your years at our institution.

Here's a link for you to check out the city where I grew up!
Feel free to take a look around.

St. Petersburg, FL

Learn more about St. Petersburg College by clicking the link below!

St. Petersburg College


Office hours: Mon-Fri 2-4pm

Office location: AB 126 (Classroom)

Office Phone Number: 777-555-9988 ext. 1186

E-mail address:

EME 2040 P10 Burrell Yellow